Now more than ever, It is crucial to stay informed on what is occurring around the world. While staying up to date, it is extremely important that the sources you use are credible and reliable. The top five news sources that are constantly keeping me in the loop on the current events include:

Source 1: FOX News

FOX News is known for conveying a conservative viewpoint to its audience. For the past 24 years, FOX News has done a successful job at updating the public on breaking news, latest news, and current news. Due to the fact that FOX News is known for being politically one-sided, it is important to use other news sources as well to educate yourself with multiple perspectives.

Source 2: CNN

CNN News is one of the most well-known news outlets that provide worldwide information from a liberal point of view. Like most news sources, CNN touches on a variety of different topics, such as environment and politics, that keep people knowledgeable on what is happening around the world. Since CNN shares information from a liberal viewpoint, one-sided sources like these are viewed as being biased. Although CNN is viewed in this way, it is still a great resource for staying informed on current information. 

CNN's Front Page:

Source 3: The New York Times

The New York Times is an extremely well-known newspaper source that was founded in 1851. Since then, The New York Times has gone on to win a variety of awards and is recognized for sharing information as impartial as possible.

The New York Times's Front Page:

Source 4: ABC News

ABC News, also known as American Broadcasting Company, is a flagship property of the Walt Disney Television Broadcasting Network. The division in which I receive most of my news is the news talk show Good Morning America.

ABC's Front Page:

Source 5: E! News

E! News is a source of news that touches upon specific topics such as the latest celebrity news and trends in television, film, fashion, and music. This source also provides their viewership with important current events on what is happening around the world.

E! News Front Page:


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