The freedoms of the U.S constitution provide citizens the right to freedom from religion, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. These specific rights were extremely important attributes to include when developing a way of life for the U.S people. From that day forward, the six freedoms granted each member of society the ability to speak their opinions freely and preach beliefs of their own without regulations. Nevertheless, the United States has experienced numerous changes in the way we communicate since the signing of the U.S constitution. As we evolve in time, freedom of speech in our country is becoming harder and harder due to the restrictions in place on social media. 

In the past ten years, social media has transformed into a free space where people can express themselves and communicate with others. However, as time goes on, a tremendous amount of censorship is occurring among these different platforms. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter are specific examples of networks that have limited the ability to express an individual's freedom of speech. For example, on January 9, 2021, former U.S. President Donald Trump was permanently suspended on Twitter. After a close evaluation of Trump's personal account, co-founder Jack Dorcey released a statement explaining the reasoning. Trump's permanent suspension on Twitter was due to the risk of further incitement of violence among the human race. Shortly after the ban, President Trump wasted no time and began posting on a second account. However, these posts were taken down minutes after being released to the public. Under these circumstances, I believe Donald Trump’s freedom of speech was violated. Although the first amendment does not apply to private companies, I strongly disagree that Twitter has the right to ban the U.S. president with over 88 million followers. Thus, I do believe this action was a major violation of freedom of speech.


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