In 2010, Kevin Systrom shook the world in regards to the way people communicate through social media. For the past decade, Instagram has played a major role in the shaping of society for multiple generations. But what really is Instagram and how did the social media sensation begin? We will also be taking a look at how Instagram revolutionized into one of the most popular and most used social media apps in the world, along with discussing the positive and negative aspects the app has on the human race. Today, Instagram has over 1 billion users on the app worldwide and is consistently gaining new usernames every day.

What is Instagram? 

Instagram is a user-creative content mobile application that is primarily based on sharing photographs and videos for your followers to interact with. Not only is Instagram a great resource for staying up to date with family and friends but it also offers users the opportunity to follow celebrities, peers, brand companies, and news sources. In addition, the Instagram application offers a variety of different filters and editing tools for users to enhance their images.

How did Instagram begin?

Before Kevin Systrom sparked the idea of Instagram, he first created an app after his love for the alcoholic beverage Burbn. The app, Burbn provides individuals the ability to share and check in to the specific place where they are enjoying their beverage. After six months of experimenting with the application, Systrom was able to develop a clearer understanding of coding and noticed a difference in what works best in regards to grabbing the audience's attention. During these trial and error times, Systrom’s interest quickly transitioned into a passion, which is what pushed him to quit his day job to strictly focus on the growth of his brand. Within the first few weeks, Systrom was able to raise five hundred thousand from venture capitalist firms. Although Systrom was proud of the app he created, he believed it was too similar to other apps being offered during this time. In search to stand out from the others, Systrom came up with the idea to base his mobile app on communication through graphic images. With this idea in mind, Systrom and his team chose to take away all elements besides the ability to share photographs, like, and comment on posts. Once these changes were made, they decided the name, Instagram, was a better fit for the app. Instagram was launched in October of 2010 and turned into one of the largest growing social media networks. Two years after launching to the public, Instagram was acquired by one of the most used social media platforms Facebook. Today, Instagram continues to grow rapidly and has a net worth value of over 100 billion dollars.

Has Instagram replaced Facebook?

Although Instagram is now a growing addition to the Facebook franchise, There have been many conversations regarding the transition among users between these two social media networks. Similar to Instagram, Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends and family and share daily updates on what is going on within their lives. The major difference between the two platforms is that Instagram is mainly images whereas Facebook focuses on sharing through in-depth descriptions. Due to the simplicity and vibe of Instagram, people feel a more personal connection with their followers along with less drama compared to Facebook. For this reason, Instagram has become a fan favorite among social media users.


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